Toxic Teeth: Are Your Amalgams Making You Sick?
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Mercury Amalgam – Facts and Solutions
Dental amalgams are the silver/black fillings in teeth that have been used for approximately 160 years by the dental profession. They consist of approximately 50% metallic mercury.
A person with the average “8 fillings has the equivalent of 6 grams of mercury in his body, a concentration that would shut down a school chemistry lab or bring a toxic clean up crew to a lake” (Charles Brown, L.A. Times) and yet it is considered safe to have this time bomb sitting in your mouth!
A report sponsored by the World Health Organisation and the United Nations concluded that the use of mercury in amalgams is hazardous to both human health and the environment and that mercury exposure from amalgams exceeds that from food, air and water sources combined. The figures they gave were as follows: exposure from fish and shellfish was 2.3mcg on average per day, 0.3mcg from other food, and 3-17mcgs from amalgams! Other studies show that it is actually closer to 29mcgs from amalgams. This does not even take into consideration that vapour release from amalgams increases dramatically upon chewing, brushing teeth, drinking and eating hot food. Experts estimate that the average person with 8 amalgams actually absorbs 100mcg per day from their amalgams. This vapour is the most damaging because it easily crosses the blood brain barrier and mother’s placenta thereby allowing mercury to accumulate in the brain and the developing fetus (1)
The argument offered by many dentists in the defense of mercury is that it is inorganic metallic mercury that is found in fillings, and this isn’t as damaging to the body as methyl mercury. The problem is that the less damaging inorganic mercury is converted into the extremely toxic methyl mercury by yeasts and bacteria found in the oral cavity (2, 3, 4).
Amalgam is actually a combination of mercury, copper, silver and tin. When you have different metals in an electrolyte solution (saliva), there is a galvanic measurable electrical effect generated. Most biocompatible dentists will measure this electrical charge using a galvanometer before removing the amalgams. This electrical activity interferes with our nervous system’s electrical communication thereby causing a host of its own symptoms. The electrical current generated pumps the mercury into the gums, the nerves and the blood supply to the teeth, allowing the mercury to travel around the body freely (5).
Chronic adverse health effects from amalgam are common in adults. Not everybody is affected equally, but everyone is affected nonetheless. Mercury is extremely toxic to the cells, especially nerve and immune cells. It disrupts hormones dramatically. It is one of the most potent causes of inflammation and often disrupts reproduction. Mercury commonly causes chronic neurological, immune and autoimmune, cardiovascular, hormonal, oral, and reproductive conditions. (6, 7, 8)
From a clinical perspective, the reason some people are more affected than others relates to a number of factors – your levels of good minerals and protective vitamins, liver, kidney, bowel and other detoxification capabilities, sufficient electrolytes, fats and proteins to aid in detox and protection, diet, electro-magnetic exposure and more.
So, what do you do? If you’ve heard that it is more damaging to have the amalgams removed, then you’ve heard PARTLY correctly! The procedure for taking out the amalgams must be done extremely carefully under guidelines given by the IOAMT. If the amalgams are drilled out by an untrained dentist, the vapour and particles of the grit can get into the body and cause a lot of damage. For a list of dentists who conduct safe removal, please contact me on
To undergo amalgam removal, you need to make sure all the factors above are addressed. i.e. that you have adequate levels of all protective and detoxifying nutrients, (vitamins and minerals, proteins, fats and electrolytes), that your liver, kidneys, lymphatics and bowel function are all working optimally to assist the detox process, and ideally you would protect yourself from electro-magnetic exposure, at least during sleep.
I’ve always been aware of the damaging effects of amalgams, but it became much more startlingly obvious to me when I commenced practicing in London, where, on many more occasions than in Ireland, I got to test people who DID NOT have amalgams. With a routine organ scan using ART bioresonance testing, the people without amalgams consistently tested with fewer brain problems, thyroid, adrenal and reproductive hormone problems and better immune systems thereby fewer infections.
If you are concerned about your health as a result of your own amalgams, or from other sources, there are many things you can do. I have committed the last 6 years to my own research in the area and have had the great fortune of training under the world’s leader in metal toxicity and detoxification – Dr Klinghardt. I highly recommend his guidelines and detox protocols.
For more information see some of the following websites or get in touch with us at
References :
1. Report prepared by Dr Lars Friberg, Karolinska Institute, Sweden and published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation and the World Health Organization, Geneva, 1991.
2. Transfer of Mercury from Mother’s Amalgams and Breast Milk to the Fetus and Developmental Effects of Mercury on Infants,
3. DAMS, Comparison of health and developmental effect of mercury vapor to methyl mercury; B. Windham(Ed.)
4. Lindberg A, Bjornberg KA, Vahter M, Berglund M, Exposure to methylmercury in non-fish-eating people in Sweden. Environ Res. 2004 Sep;96(1):28-33. (a)Leistevuo J et al, Dental amalgam fillings and the amount of organic mercury in human saliva. Caries Res 2001 May-Jun;35(3):163-6; &(b) Sellars WA, Sellars R. Univ. Of Texas Southwestern Medical School “Methyl mercury from dental amalgams in the human mouth”, Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine 1996 &(c) Heintze et al,“Methylation of Mercury from dental amalgam and mercuric chloride by oral Streptococci”.,Scan. J. Dent. Res. 1983, 91:150-152; & L.I.Liang et al, “Mercury reactions in the human mouth with dental amalgams” Water, Air, and Soil pollution, 80:103-107 & S Yannai, I Berdicevsky, and L Duek, Transformations of inorganic mercury by Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1991 January; 57 (1): 245––247; & Choi SC, Bartha R.. Cobalamin-mediated mercury methylation by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans LS. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1993 Jan;59(1):290-5; & Wang J, Liu Z; [.In vitro Study of Strepcoccus Mutans in the Plaque on the Surface of Amalgam Fillings on the Convertion of Inorganic Mercury to Organic Mercury][Article in Chinese], Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue. 2000 Jun;9(2):70-2; & Guzzi G, Minoia C, Pigatto PD, Severi G. Methylmercury, amalgams, and children’s health. Environ Health Perspect. 2006; 114:149;
5. The battery in your mouth: oral galvanic currents and metals in the mouth, and interactions with EMF ,
6. Health Effects of amalgam fillings and results of replacement of amalgam filings. Over 4000 medical study references(most in Medline) documenting common high mercury exposures from amalgam, that vapor from amalgam is the most dangerous form of mercury to the fetus, and the mechanisms by which mercury causes over 40 chronic health conditions
7. Neurological & Autoimmune conditions: CFS, FM, MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s, Lupus, Chron’s, Scleroderma: the connection to mercury immune reactivity and amalgam fillings; (Over 4,000 peer-reviewed references)
8. Documentation of recovery from 60,000 clinical cases of serious adverse health effects after replacement of amalgam fillings in over 30 chronic health conditions, B. Windham(Ed.) (Over 50 peer-reviewed studies)